Our client base includes large and medium-sized corporate clients and state corporations as well as individual clients. We aim to be a leader in the provision of legal services in the field of legal consultancy, commercial litigation, conveyance, corporate work, intellectual property, banking, debt collection, judicial review, labour law, labour relations and legal consultancy.

  1. County Governments
    The County Government of Kakamega 
    The County Government of Trans Nzoia
  2. Academic Institutions
    KCA University
    Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)
    College of Human Resource Management
  3. Pension Schemes
    Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Pension Scheme
  4. Independent Commissions
    Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (I.E.B.C)
    Judicial Service Commission (J.S.C)
    Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC)
    National Land Commission (N.L.C)

5. Banking and financial institutions
​​KCB Bank Kenya Limited
​​ ​Family Bank Limited
​​Bank of Africa (BOA)
​​ ​Bank of Baroda
​​ ​Kenya Bankers Association
​​ ​Rafiki Microfinance Bank
​Safaricom Investment Cooperation (SIC)
6. Other Institutions
​National Council of Churches (N.C.C.K)
​Marubeni Corporation
​Serianu Limited
​Turnkey Limited
​Kenya Medical Properties Limited
​Tropical Heat Limited
​Grand Forest Japan Limited


As a firm, we strive to attain the highest possible level of client satisfaction. We believe that this is the best recommendation for the work of any professional service provider. At the time we take instructions we endeavor to advise on the stages and timelines that we anticipate the transaction will reasonably entail. Whilst it is our objective to meet all client deadlines and otherwise deal with every matter as expeditiously and efficiently as possible, factors beyond our control may sometimes affect the speed with which a transaction is progressed. In the event of any misunderstandings, we would ask that clients speak to the advocate in charge of their work, and if the matter cannot be resolved, the client is invited to contact our managing partner who will then look into the matter and advice as appropriate.

Our fees are as prescribed by the Advocates Remuneration Order. For conveyancing and security transactions we would wish to adhere to the statutory scale of charges. However, in the case of large-scale transactions these may be subject to negotiation.

On commercial and litigation matters, given the fluid nature of such transactions it is often impracticable to give a solid estimate on the amount of fees likely to be incurred at the commencement thereof. In such circumstances, we would provide a quote based on our previous experience of similar transactions that would provide a guideline on the likely level of expense.

We as a matter of practice request for a deposit to be paid prior to commencement of all client instructions. Value Added Tax (currently at the rate of 16%) is payable on our fees and on all vatable disbursements and this would be reflected on all our fee notes except in the case of the provision of export services or services rendered to certain tax exempt organizations.

Rescue Center

The ministry runs a school and a child rescue center which currently has 23 kids who are under the child protection program.

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The ministry currently has a school that is meant to support orphaned and vulnerable children so that they are not disadvantaged because they come from less privileged backgrounds.

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Affordable HealthCare

We are committed to transforming the lives of the community in Manafwa through the provision of water, educating the rescued children, and providing free or affordable health care to both adults and children.

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We tell a story of...
  • Transformation
  • Impact

  • CALL
  • CRY


We seek to be responsive to the needs of every vulnerable newborn child to ensure they receive proper healthcare, sanitation and nutrition.


We are driven by Biblical Integrity and we seek to be accountable and faithful stewards to what has been entrusted to us.

Child Support & Care

We believe and value the fact that every child is entitled to proper healthcare, sanitation and nutrition.

We are dedicated to Transform Lives

We are on the path of transforming one life at a time in the very small way we can

+256 789 250933

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